Does it seem like there is no way out? It can feel like your creditors hold all the cards. Take charge of your situation! Call The Law Office of Thomas A. Nanna, P.A., and we can help you decide if bankruptcy is the right solution for you. We serve the following counties in the State of Florida:
Hillsborough, Pinellas, Pasco, Polk and Manatee
Virtual Bankruptcy Consultations
Since COVID-19 has swept the world, bankruptcy courts have moved quickly to ensure that people can still file their cases and get the relief they need. We provide completely online consultation and filing and we are dedicated to getting your family the help they need while keeping the community safe.
Meet with your attorney virtually
Over the phone or via video conference, we can consult and file without an in-person visit!
Sign documents online
The court has approved digital e-signing systems for their filings. We are fully equipped to support these systems.
Versatile document submission
You will need to submit a number of documents, but you can do so via mail or digital means.